Friday, September 14, 2007

Myanmar Refugees in Malaysia

Dando sequência ao projeto que mencionei em um post anterior abaixo vão mais imagens dos refugiados de Myanmar. O projeto vai muito bem e não poderia ser mais grato por ter essa oportunidade de fotografar esse povo incrível que mesmo num país estranho, sem dinheiro, sem trabalho e nenhuma perspectiva, se mantém unido. Grudadinho.

According to the UNHCR, there are more than 32.000 refugees from Burma living in Malaysia. They runway from their country to escape religious and political persecution but here in Malaysia they face a reality as hard as the one back home. They are not granted the refugee status by the local government and are constantly harassed by the police. They work underpaid jobs and sometimes are forced to move to the jungles to also escape this hard reality.

Myanmar Refugees in Malaysia (1)

Myanmar Refugees in Malaysia  (2)

Burmese Refugees in Malaysia

Burmese Refugees in Malaysia

Myanmar Refugees in Malaysia  (8)

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